Friday, 19 May 2017

Know all about Ransomware: WannaCry

WannaCry virus leveraged vulnerability in Window OS, this was discovered by NSA, and then publicly exposed to the world. In a few hours, more than 200,000 machines were infected. Companies like NHS and Renault were crippled by the attack. It is known as” scareware “as it forces users to wage a fee by scaring them.

Ransomware Infection and Behaviour

Ransomware is encountered by a variety of means. It can be downloaded onto systems when users visit malicious websites. It can even arrive as a payload dropped by other malware. Some of the ransomware is delivered as attachments from spammed email or dropped on vulnerable systems.
Here are some tips to follow as computer viruses enter into the system due to lack of security practices:

Use an Antivirus Program

Always use a good anti-virus from a reputable vendor and keep it up-to-date. Most anti-virus vendors have additional capability to block WannaCry, and to avoid the installations from malicious applications.

Install Security Updates

If you are using any version of Windows, except Windows 10, with SMB protocol enabled, make sure your computer always receives updates automatically from Microsoft, and it’s up-to-date always.

Backup your Files

Keep a backup of all your important files and documents in an external storage device that is not connected to your computer. Hence, if any ransomware affects your system it cannot encrypt your backups.

Disable SMB

You have to disable Server Message Block 1 (SMBv1) protocol, which is enabled by Windows by default, to stop WannaCry ransomware attacks.

Apply Patch and Update your systems for security

WannaCry emphasizes the importance of keeping systems and networks regularly updated. Threats like WannaCry exploit vulnerabilities to penetrate security gaps in the organisations. So, the longer your computers and networks remain vulnerable, the easier it becomes for attackers to exploit it. Organisations must balance and update the systems to secure them.

We at Mazenet are conducting a free demo session on “Ransomware in Cyber Security” at Mazenet Chennai & Coimbatore. Come and watch our free demo session to update yourself on how to protect your DATA better.
Topic: Ransomware in Cyber Security

                        Trainer: Mr. Bharath Kumar                    Trainer: Mr. Syed
                        Venue & Time: Chennai                             Venue & Time: Coimbatore
                        Time: 10:00am to 11:30am                         Time: 11:00am to 12:30am
                        Duration: 1.5 Hours                                     Duration: 1.5 Hours

We’re looking forward to meeting you with your friends and get benefitted!
Kindly call to register for the free demo session!
Chennai: Contact Dheena +91-9677742828
Coimbatore: Contact Madhumitha +91- 9894388885
Register Now!
For more details visit here ( )

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